Thursday, 5 November 2015

RIP Larry Brom

I read this morning on the Sword and the Flame Yahoo Group the sad news that Larry Brom recently passed suddenly from a heart attack.

An former US Marine, Larry was the author of the very popular The Sword and The Flame rule set, amongst many others.  He had a wide reaching impact on the community and will be sorely missed.

My condolences to Lori and Christy, and the rest of the Brom family.

It was reports and images of Sword and Flame games on the Major General site that was a big factor in steering me from sci-fi/fantasy to historical war gaming.

Once the shed is done, a memorial TSATF game will definitely be in order.

If you've never encountered the rules, they are definitely worth a look. They differ from many rule sets in running from a standard deck of playing cards, which adds a nice friction element. You can pick up a copy from Sergeants3.


  1. We all live on through the lives we touch, and he has touched many and will continue to do so for many years to come......Not a bad epitaph.

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